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Showing posts from December, 2018

A Resolution

IN PROCESS, working title "Resolutions," 24" x 30", acrylics on panel. $899 plus s&h when finished. Reach out to   me   if you are interested. I accept personal checks, paypal, venmo and payment plans. As most of the world, I am reflecting today - looking at the past, and planning for the future. This painting, particularly in it's unresolved state, is a beautiful reflection of the cusp of a new dawn. I approached this painting with the idea of acknowledging the likely truth that I will not own a horse in my lifetime. I thought sitting inside that space would help me be open to what the future brings. I know that disappointment travels hand-in-hand with joy, and I need to have my eyes and ears and heart ready to see and accept that splendor when it shows up. So I had this plan - a reference photo, dramatic lights and darks, and the idea of a misty atmosphere similar to the equines I've been painting the past few wee...

The Truth (Finished)

FINISHED! "The Truth," an Echo painting, 24" x 30", acrylics on panel. $899 plus s&h when finished. Reach out to   me   if you are interested. I accept personal checks, paypal, venmo and payment plans. I got a full day in the studio, complete with loud music and very few interruptions, which is how I prefer to work (but that doesn't mean I always get what I want). And magic happened. I started laying marks down, and the painting pretty much told me what to do. The thing I'm most pleased with is her eye - it is SO alive and SO calm - and the little reflective bits of truth that glimmer about her profile ( best seen here, in a detail shot) . Here's a video short outlining the painting's progress . Thanks for following along with my art journey, Kim

The Truth (in process)

In process, "The Truth," 24" x 30", acrylics on panel. $899 plus s&h when finished. Reach out to me if you are interested. I accept personal checks, paypal, venmo and payment plans. I am back in the saddle today, continuing with the Medicine Hat paintings as I explore my lifelong connection with horses. This is today's stopping point, and you can see my chalk lines overtop the paint. I do this to ascertain necessary shifts needed to properly build the form of the horse - the chalk will wipe right off, and I can continue on my way. There are a few things I need to adjust - tomorrow! I've chosen a title for this series - "Echo." I'm painting memories, traces and ideas that may have been my own or could have been transplanted from someone else. The root cause doesn't matter, because ultimately these are a reflection of the human experience, a reverberation of sorts. And now I'm off to let paint dry. Thanks for followin...


"Magic," 16" x 16" x 2", acrylics on panel. $699 plus s&h. I accept personal checks, paypal, venmo and payment plans. Inquiries can always come to   me . As another year draws to a close, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessing of being able to call myself a working artist. Because of YOU, I get to push paint every day, teach others how to do the same, and live a life packed with beauty. Wishing you much magic this season. Make new memories, cherish those you have, and believe. Love to you all, Kim

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue

"Roses are Red, Violets are Blue (Medicine Hat #4)," 18" x 24", acrylics on panel. $699 plus s&h. I accept personal checks, paypal, venmo and payment plans. Inquiries can always come to me. Horses (to me) are akin to a holy spirit. They wrap me in an earthy, quiet calm that melts worries away. Time in a horse's company is healing and blessed. There is a magic about the gift of breathing in their scent, warming one's fingers underneath a mane, and looking into that eye which seemingly knows all. They can cure any ailment that weighs upon one's heart. At least in my rainbow and glitter filled world, they can. Warmly, Kim

Powerful Medicine

"Powerful Medicine (Medicine Hat #3)," 14" x 18", acrylics on panel. $599 plus s&h. I accept personal checks, paypal, venmo and payment plans. Inquiries can always come to   me . I have always felt my worries melt away when I'm in the company of horses. Even if I'm in the company of shoveling their s^&*. Nothing quite equals their companionship and how it lifts the weights on my heart. Thanks so very much for following along with my work. I must be feeling better - I'm getting all sorts of things done at the easel. Warmly, Kim

Medicine Hat

"Medicine Hat," 10" x 10", acrylics on museum quality panel. $499 plus s&h. I accept personal checks, paypal, venmo and payment plans. Inquiries can always come to   me . For those of you unfamiliar with   Medicine Hat horses,   they have been prized for centuries and are believed to have mystical qualities. So what better sort of horse to explore my personal equine connection than one already in tuned with the universe's energy? Thanks so very much for following along with my work. Warmly, Kim

Ancient Magic

"Ancient Magic," 7" x 12", acrylics on museum quality panel. $499 plus s&h. The scanned image appears much flatter than the original painting, which features layers of transparent and opaque color, including a generous amount of metallic and mica dense pigment which flash and reflect the light. There is a short video   here   which you can get a stronger sense of the depth to the painting. I accept personal checks, paypal, venmo and payment plans. Inquiries can always come to   me . I'm still lounging about ā€“ this sinus bit has been going on for 3 weeks now, and yesterday my stomach started acting up. All in all, it mandated yet another pajama day, which was a huge bummer because I missed out on my critique groups' gathering. Boo hiss. But this afternoon I felt well enough to spend a little time at the easel, toying with an idea I started exploring yesterday, and I had to share the results, they were so pleasing. At least to me. I am ...

Gertrude Stein

"Gertrude Stein I," 16" x 20", acrylics on gallery wrapped canvas. $599 plus s&h. This one will be very hard for me to let go, so you must ask even more nicely than usual. I accept personal checks, paypal, venmo and payment plans. Inquiries can always come to   me . A dear friend called me up over the weekend. A friend of her hubbies was moving out of state and couldn't take her rabbit. Did I happen to know of anyone who might be interested?  Shortly afterword, said girlfriend was in my driveway, unloading a rabbit hutch and one substantially sized bun. Gertie is incredibly sweet, and made herself right at home in our menagerie. And wasted no time moving onto my easel. Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork. Warmly, Kim