Davinci Study, 9" x 12", acrylics on panel, $399 plus s&h. Inquiries may come
to me.
This is Vinnie taking advantage of the sunshine today. And who can blame him?
It's natural for an artist's work to evolve, and I am no exception. The discoveries I have made the past few months have my head spinning. I credit much of what I've recently learned to several mentors/teachers I've had the pleasure of working with -
Lynn Whipple,
Stanka Kordicand
Ardith Goodwin. They've introduced joy, passion, mystery, intuition and a deeper understanding of why I create.
Other than holiday commissions, for the past 4 months I've been focused on figurative imagery, specifically using the feminine form as a platform for painting an emotional response to our crazy world. It's not always an easy space to sit inside as our world seems full of divisiveness and cruelty as of late. Yet it is something I feel deeply inside myself that I must do in order to become who I am supposed to.
Today the thought of returning to the 3 majorly unresolved giant figurative canvases (each one at least 4 feet wide in one direction) when I wasn't entirely clear of what they needed was very intimidating. I opted to be kind to myself, and returned instead to an old familiar muse, daVinci.
Those of you who have stuck around since the Dawn of Santini time have seen me move from dogs to daily portraits, to other animals, to florals, toys, and now the human form. I am so very grateful to continue to share this journey with you. It's been quite a ride, and still is, so make sure you are buckled in.
Please feel free to invite a friend to follow along too - the way social media works anymore, I rely on interaction (via messages, comments, shares, word of mouth) to drive my business. Don't be shy!
And big warm hugs to you from Vinnie and I.
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