Earth and Moon view her on my website Earth and Moon, original acrylic on flat panel, 24”x36”, private collection (thank you). It seems fitting to close 2024 out with a painting that is about vastness. In a year that challenged me as a voracious creative and an often bumbling human, for my muse to then deliver a painting to my easel that reminds me how small I am is comforting. This piece is also about constants, those things we don’t even notice anymore because they always are. It’s a reminder to refocus on my breath and the everyday miracles that surround me. Talk about grounding! You are invited to view Earth and Moon on my website . Next week I hope to set up prints for the paintings that have sold the last couple months (thank you to my generous and enthusiastic collectors!!). I’ll tuck a notice inside a newsletter once that is done. Meanwhile, wishing all of you a safe and joyous evening. Hoping you find a reset button somewhere in your own lives and we all wak...