"Heads or Tails?," 8" x 16", acrylic on canvasboard, portrait of several broncos, $599. Inquiries may always come to me.
I think this painting is done, then I leave it for a few minutes, only to discover another change I'd like to make. So I'm reserving the right to simmer with this guy and figure out just what he needs. I'll use Photoshop and make my alterations on the computer screen prior to changing anything on the painting, this way I can work out a number of different scenarios.
My game plan is to send "Heads or Tails?," along with "Origami" to the Ex Arte Equinas competition. I have another image I'd like to paint as well, but my deadline is looming at the end of the month, so we'll see what the reality is.
Oh, and I must thank my friend Donna Ridgway for allowing me to purchase the rights to her fabulous bronco photos that inspired this piece, "Origami," and the painting to follow. Not having access to many rodeos in these parts, I am very grateful to Donna's expert eye and references for providing me with the inspiration to paint these pieces.
Thanks, as always, for looking at - and sharing - my artwork with your friends and family.
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