"Lavendar (Feral Cat #1)," 8" square, cat portrait in Golden Open Acrylics on canvasboard, $329. Proceeds from the sale of Lavendar's painting will be donated toBest Friends Animal Sanctuary. Inquiries may always come to me.
Today is National Feral Cat Day. There is information on the BFAS website on how you can help community cats. I encourage you to check out their site (watch the video) - it'll only take a few minutes, and provide some good dinner table conversation at the very least!
Thank you today goes to BFAS staff photographer Molly Wald, who's photo of a feral tabby inspired my painting. I took some liberties, not having to portray a particular likeness, but I did retain the clipped left ear. This is a signal that the cat was part of a trap/neuter/return program.
Tonite is the opening of the Southwestern Michigan Portrait Exhibition at the Orion Art Center. I had three paintings juried in and am looking forward to seeing how they measure up in the show, which traditionally is heavy on the human form, but of late has embraced more animal artists. I'm looking forward to seeing the collection of work and meeting up with some very talented friends.
Finally, I wanted to mention email - in particular, my email inbox, which of late has been grossly overflowing. That could be due to higher inbound volumes (I average 300+ non-junk/spam emails each day), but I think I've also been working on other tasks (like the book), and not spending as much time at the computer.
While I certainly read every note, I'm no longer going to be able to reply individually to each one. This is not meant to discourage anyone from sharing comments and ideas - it is key that I am in tune with what you are feeling as a result of and/or wanting to see in the daily paintings. It's simply become clear that I must choose between painting or emailing.
Sorry, but the painting wins out. I think the majority of you will forgive me!
Thanks, as always, for looking at - and sharing - my artwork with your friends and family.
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