"Rocky (Bulldog)," 6" x 8", commissioned Bulldog portrait, acrylic on canvasboard, private collection (thank you!). Inquiries may always come to me.
I don't get to paint these dogs nearly enough, and they are wonderfully fun to work with. Their folds are each a loaded brushstroke, and when white like Rocky, the pinkness of their skin glows from underneath.
Rocky's painting is going to be a holiday gift. Have you started your list yet? A Dog a Day painting (you can shop them at my Etsy storefront) is a great gift, as is a Dog a Day gift certificate. I've also had a client release her November portrait spots, so I can fit in a couple commissions if you let me know asap.
Oh - and if you send cards out, take a peek at my Imagekind shop and consider ordering your holiday cards with a grinning face like Rocky's on them. (Let me knowif you want a particular painting added to Imagekind and I'll get it up asap.)
Thanks, as always, for looking at - and sharing - my artwork with your friends and family.
PS Want a great gift this holiday season? Then order either one of the Painting a Dog a Day books - they are gorgeous summaries of the Dog a Day paintings. Painting a Dog a Day - the First Year covers 2006-2007, and That's 14 in Dog Years covers 2008. Information on how to order each book is on the Painting a Dog a Day blog and thestudio website.
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