"Stella in Profile," 6" square, commissioned terrier portrait in acrylic on canvasboard, private collection (thank you!). Inquiries may always come to me.
I had Stella's painting finished this afternoon, but life got in the way of posting it earlier. A child needed a ride across town, then dinner had to be started followed by another jaunt across town to put the chickens and ducks away (we're farm sitting this weekend), with a quick stop at the library squeezed in. Then we rushed back home for a family meal, and chased it all with an event at my daughter's school.
Now I want to nurse a cup of tea partnered with some peanut butter cookies. Which I will get to do shortly.
After I throw a load of laundry in. There's never enough hours (or hands) to get it all done!!
Thanks, as always, for looking at - and sharing - my artwork with your friends and family. Have a great weekend -
PS Want a great gift this holiday season? Then order either one of the Painting a Dog a Day books - they are gorgeous summaries of the Dog a Day paintings. Painting a Dog a Day - the First Year covers 2006-2007, and That's 14 in Dog Years covers 2008. Information on how to order each book is on the Painting a Dog a Day blog and thestudio website.
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