FROM TOP: "Lindt Lindor in Red" and "Lindt Lindor in Blue," both 4" x 5", acrylic on canvasboard depictions of Lindt truffles, each painting $184, or both for $349. Inquiries may always come to me via email.
Can you tell I'm on a diet? I've been painting lots of candy lately, haven't I. And no, I did not eat these. Yet. Painting them is almost as satisfying as eating them. Almost!!
Wouldn't they make a great Valentine's gift for your chocoholic?! There's lots of other paintings at my etsy store, and through Saturday I have 20% off all paintings on canvasboard. This special will only last until Saturday......
I spent this morning tweaking the Chesapeake Bay portrait from earlier this week. As much as I'd like to think that I can nail portraits fairly consistently, there are occasions when I've gotten critical details wrong. I don't beat myself up too much over it, because there is nothing wrong with asking for a do-over. In this case, the dog's color was washed out. So I've laid some golden glazes overtop the fur and deepened shadows. When my client approves a final version, I'll update it here, in case anyone is interested in seeing the changes.
I am doing almost all my work on the iMac now. I installed my last bit of hardware today, and have everything but email transitioned to the new machine. That'll take a little longer because of some data conversion issues with Act! and Daylight, but I'll get to it eventually (I welcome input from anyone who's done the conversion!!).
I do not know how I managed to work in a Windows environment for so long, and continue to be amazed and delighted by all things Mac. Just the simple shift from a laptop monitor to the desktop screen has made photo editing (and book design/layout) so much easier! The whole iWeb package makes classy webdesign a cinch - my goal is to add a new page to the TurtledoveDesigns website every week, until I have the entire site rebuilt. And don't get me started on digital video editing, but it's pretty darned cool too!!
I wish everyone a safe and warm weekend. Thanks for looking at, and sharing, my paintings with your friends and family! See you Monday,
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