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AM Nap, Kitty Portrait

"AM Nap (Oliver)," 6" x 8", white kitty portrait in acrylic on canvasboard, $324 to a good home. Inquiries may come to me.

Today life threw me a curve ball, as my son was home sick from school. Snuggling and reading aloud, followed by a mid-morning trip to the pediatrician then the pharmacy and the grocery (just for milk, yet walked out with 3 bags) and the movie rental and then for a take-out hamburger and then back to the pharmacy to pick up scrips. Home to soak child in tub, medicate him, take in a couple games of Scrabble, set up movie, start dinner, then drive older son to music lesson, then to the busstop to pick up youngest and race back home to check on dinner and now-fever-free boy. Back out to pick up oldest from his lesson, a quick stop at the bank, an ever quicker spin around the block with the dog and then home for dinner followed by troubleshooting the computer network that crashed mid-afternoon, while simultaneously supervising homework. Staged two spelling tests, packed lunches, did two loads of laundry, made a couple phone calls, celebrated because hooray the computer is back up (after calling in the neighborhood guru who simply touched the machine and it immediately obeyed - note to self - buy Kevin a bottle of something really wonderful) and programmed dvr to record Leno.
Finally, all are tucked into bed and now snoring (excepting sick boy who is snurgling), and I snuck into the studio to play catch up.
Thankfully Oliver fell from the brushes. Maybe days like this drain the over-analytical side of me so my subconscious just steps up to the plate and blindly swings. Whatever happened, I am delighted to share this painting with you and call it a day.
We'll see what tomorrow brings, eh? Hopefully only a low grade fever, lots of popsicles and a couple more chapters of The Hobbit.
Oh yeah, and another painting.
Have a great night!


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