"Poignant (Lucy)," 8" square, commissioned pet portrait of a mixed lab, acrylic on canvasboard, possibly sold. Inquiries may come to me via email.
It doesn't happen often, but this painting stopped me dead in my tracks. I got about 75% done, and was terrified to go any further. I began to doubt myself. Did I go for the likeness? Did I go with the color? I agonized long enough that my muse packed up and left. It was tough pulling her back into the studio.
A pep talk got me on track (thanks to all my twitter peeps who reminded me that it's only paint, I can do this again and again until I get it right, stop overanalyzing, trust in my hand). A handful of Hershey Kisses got the energy level going. A shift in music kept me moving forward (Amy Winehouse can croon lullabys and still drip with attitude).
I opted to allow color to take over the painting, but am awaiting the verdict from my client as to whether I lost Lucy's likeness because of that choice. I will be more than happy to paint her again - she has a gorgeous expression that is a joy to work with.
Regardless I am beyond thrilled with this painting and the lesson I learned today. Doubt is banished from the studio forevermore.
Thanks, as always, for following along with my art and my day.
See you tomorrow,
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