"Wide Eyed," 6" x 12", dog portrait depicting two merled Australian Shepherd pups, acrylic on canvasboard. As with yesterday's painting, proceeds from the sale of "Wide Eyed" will be donated to my shelter, the Oakland Pet Adoption Center. Inquiries may come to me.
Another busy day spent juggling computer and paperwork with pushing paint. Wish I could spend the whole day at the easel, but there are other things to see to.
Like the publication of my first article! Canine Collectibles Courier, a magazine based in Australia, has published an article I penned outlining my artist journey to date. If you are interested, you can visit their website and get information on how to subscribe/purchase this issue.
Looking for more reading material? Consider purchasing a copy of my first book Painting a Dog a Day - the First Year. I've just received the third press run for this book. Softcovers are $39.95 and hardcovers are $54.95 - orders may come directly to me. (FYI, my second book, tentatively titled That's Fourteen in Dog Years, is on track to be pulished this summer.)
I'm also prepping a postal mailing - or rather, have recruited the kids to stick labels and stamps on the postcards. If you are not on my snail mailing list and would like to be, please send me a note with your postal address and I'll get that taken care of.
I'm also lining up exhibitions, festivals, classes and demonstrations/presentations in the Michigan area for the spring and summer months. Stay tuned for more details.
Until tomorrow, thanks for sharing my artwork.
:) Kim
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