These are my two entries for this year's AKC-Eukanuba Poster Competition. Now all I have to do is brew a pot of tea, sit back, and wait. Till mid-November.
Good thing I have lots of stuff to keep me occupied.....
First, just a little history on these two pieces, which are all built off dog-a-day paintings from the past:
Fifty-Two Vignettes is comprised of - you guessed it - 52 portraits. These dogs make up the 30 some most popular breeds based on AKC registries in 2007. Remember a few months back when I asked for breed specific photos? I needed a couple dogs to round out the piece.
"Trophy Dog" has way too many portraits for me to count - well over 100, maybe 120. They are arranged in the shape of the Tiffany Loving Cup, which is the trophy the National Championships' Best in Show gets to bring home.
For those of you unfamiliar with the AKC-Eukanuba Poster Competition, it works thusly: artists from all over the world send in their interpretation of "The Wonderful World of Purebred Dogs." A board of judges select the design which best fits this theme. The winning design is used in conjunction with the National Dog Show Championships held in Long Beach, California in December 2008, and the original artwork is purchased by the AKC.
So, once I know the judges' verdict, I will decide the fate of these paintings. Maybe I'll auction them off, or issue prints or notecards or tshirts or who knows what. Maybe I'll get to ship one off to the AKC. One can only hope.....
But now I'm off to change out of my jammies and grab a nap. It has been one heck of a marathon painting session.
Thanks, as always, for looking. And for sharing my paintings with your friends and family (please do forward them!).
Have a great weekend!
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