FROM TOP: "Westie Study (Alex)"; "Shy Boy (Jack)"; both 5" x 7", West Highland Terrier portraits in acrylic on canvasboard, $249 each. Inquiries to ksantini@turtledovedesigns.com .
The Lost Website Saga continues (not to detract from the charm of Alex and Jack, which is substantial and deserves a moment or two).
A huge thank you to those who have offered to email the postings they have saved on their own machines. I didn't clarify properly that the Painting a Dog a Day blog is fine - nothing happened to IT (knock on wood....). My other two websites, the studio one at http://www.turtledovedesigns.com/, and the main Painting a Dog a Day informational site http://www.paintingadogaday.com/, are what is gone. I managed to get a temporary home page up on http://www.paintingadogaday.com/, but am still sorting out the details on the Turtledove site, which will remain down for at least another week.
My websites have been overdue for a massive overhaul, so guess it'll finally happen!! There's a positive spin to almost everything.
Another consequence of this transition, though, is that my turtledovedesigns.com email address has been randomly unavailable since yesterday afternoon, continuing through today, and most likely for another 5 days or so until everything is finalized. It may bounce your emails into nowhere, without providing any indication if the note was ever delivered. Additionally, my outbound emails are taking an inordinant amount of time to arrive (hence the reason the blog is getting updated before the google group today). If you have not gotten a response from me within 48 hours, go ahead and resend your email - but please do give me this time to catch up, as I have an inordinant amount of emails to work through.
Thanks, as always, for your time and PATIENCE! And for forwarding these paintings on to friends and family,
See you tomorrow,
The Lost Website Saga continues (not to detract from the charm of Alex and Jack, which is substantial and deserves a moment or two).
A huge thank you to those who have offered to email the postings they have saved on their own machines. I didn't clarify properly that the Painting a Dog a Day blog is fine - nothing happened to IT (knock on wood....). My other two websites, the studio one at http://www.turtledovedesigns.com/, and the main Painting a Dog a Day informational site http://www.paintingadogaday.com/, are what is gone. I managed to get a temporary home page up on http://www.paintingadogaday.com/, but am still sorting out the details on the Turtledove site, which will remain down for at least another week.
My websites have been overdue for a massive overhaul, so guess it'll finally happen!! There's a positive spin to almost everything.
Another consequence of this transition, though, is that my turtledovedesigns.com email address has been randomly unavailable since yesterday afternoon, continuing through today, and most likely for another 5 days or so until everything is finalized. It may bounce your emails into nowhere, without providing any indication if the note was ever delivered. Additionally, my outbound emails are taking an inordinant amount of time to arrive (hence the reason the blog is getting updated before the google group today). If you have not gotten a response from me within 48 hours, go ahead and resend your email - but please do give me this time to catch up, as I have an inordinant amount of emails to work through.
Thanks, as always, for your time and PATIENCE! And for forwarding these paintings on to friends and family,
See you tomorrow,
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