"Spike," 4" x 8", commissioned mixed breed dog portrait, acrylic on board, private collection (THANK YOU!). Inquiries, including how you go about booking your own Dog-a-Day portrait, may come to me at ksantini@turtledovedesigns.com .
The studio newsletter went out today via email. Typically I also publish the newsletter on my website, but being as the website is STILL down (not my fault - domain hosts are holding it up), that's not an option this time around. If you did not receive the newsletter and would like to, please email me and I'll forward this one and get you added to that distribution list.
Thanks, as always, for your time in looking and and sharing these paintings with your friends and family.
See you tomorrow,
The studio newsletter went out today via email. Typically I also publish the newsletter on my website, but being as the website is STILL down (not my fault - domain hosts are holding it up), that's not an option this time around. If you did not receive the newsletter and would like to, please email me and I'll forward this one and get you added to that distribution list.
Thanks, as always, for your time in looking and and sharing these paintings with your friends and family.
See you tomorrow,
PS I know I sound like a broken record, but please, if you are interested in ordering a copy of my book Painting a Dog a Day - the First Year, send me an email so that I can get you invoiced. Softcovers are $39.95, hardcovers are $54.95. Orders received by November 1st are guaranteed holiday delivery. Thank you!
PS I know I sound like a broken record, but please, if you are interested in ordering a copy of my book Painting a Dog a Day - the First Year, send me an email so that I can get you invoiced. Softcovers are $39.95, hardcovers are $54.95. Orders received by November 1st are guaranteed holiday delivery. Thank you!
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