"Puppy"," 6" x 8", portrait of The Man Child, done in acrylics on panel, part of my - well, part of his - personal collection.
Our first Halloween in Michigan (after moving from Southern California), I made toasty costumes for the boys, worried they would get chilled while out trick or treating. That year it was unseasonably warm, and they wanted to go commando underneath their little furry suits. We compromised - new plaid boxer shorts peeked out the open backs of their puppy costumes as they scooted out the door on Halloween night.
It's hard to believe that the little boy I remember sent off his college applications last night. That he will turn 18 in just a few more weeks. That soon he will be out in the real world, touching lives, playing his music, and building a future.
Kim, who will be tucking red plaid boxers and the hood to a beloved puppy dog costume in with The Man Child's college gear
Practice, Practice, Practice
For years I've been working on my knowledge of human anatomy - I don't share much of what I do because I am my own worst critic and the vast majority of my attempts to draw/paint human portraits are garbage.
No one magically learns how to make art overnite - what you see on the walls of any gallery or museum or even on blogs/websites are the results of a lifetime of learning.
So I continue to practice, drawing from models regularly, studying human portraiture, and trying to stop making garbage.
This painting isn't perfect, but it represents a serious step forward for me, and on those merits alone, I am thrilled. And sharing.
And I will return to the drawing board, literally, and keep at it.
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