"Super Miracle Bubbles," 6" x 6," acrylics on masonite, painted from a fabulously shaped bottle of bubbles. This painting is $75, with free shipping inside the US. Purchasing is as simple as asking.
I'm feeling very satisfied - this series of toy paintings that I started, primarily to help myself work through some specific lighting and visual challenges, is resonating well with my collectors and fans.
Despite the fact that I'm NOT painting dogs or animals, at least not in the traditional or historical sense that this blog has featured, you have been very enthusiastic about these pieces. Commenting via emails, messages, Facebook - I'm trying to respond to each one personally as time allows. Thank you for your enthusiasm!
And they are selling well - sales are validation that what I'm looking at and thinking about in the studio is resonating with the real world. I'm hovering around a 50% sales rate. These are great gems at $75 each - you can gather one for yourself and one for a friend. Just shoot me a note.
I'm off to play a little more. Err, actually, no play. I'm off to set up another still life and push some paint. Hard, hard work. Yeah, that's what I'm doing.
Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork,
All my best, Kim
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