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Showing posts from March, 2014

April Desktop Calendar - Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday to my Mom!! To implement this month's desktop calendar, download the file  directly from my website . I've set up a couple different ways to do this, either via the photo album or a direct link. I am by no means an expert on the variety of operating systems, so I highly recommend that if you don't know how to change your desktop wallpaper, don't email me for advice. Instead consult your computer's help files - they will be more concise, more knowledgeable and more responsive than I could ever hope to be.  I've sized this to fit a standard screen height of 768 - I realize there are lots of variables that could impact how the file displays on your screen. Let me know if, once you get the file installed, there are display quality issues (keep in mind, too, that options such as "stretching to fit," "tiling" and "cropping" will impact your display, so check those first!). Thanks so

Queen Anne's Lace and Paying it Forward

"Queen Anne's Lace," 5" x 16", acrylics on a museum quality panel, inspired by a journal page  I did earlier this week. Last November my community lost a young girl to leukemia. "Pay it Forward" cards were created with her name and picture on them, and untold numbers of acts of kindness started in her memory. I wanted to do something extra special. Something that would keep this child's memory alive much longer than buying a cup of coffee or a tank of gas. And today it came to me. A Random Act of Art. A painting created by me, inspired by her, and gifted to a stranger. When designing this piece, I thought of how delicate Queen Anne's lace appears, but how resiliant the plant actually is. It reminded me of a child with a serious illness, vulnerable and yet stronger than we can even imagine. This painting is "hidden" somewhere in my community, along with a Pay it Forward card. My hope is t

Clover & Lily, In Process

IN PROCESS  "Clover & Lily," 11-1/2" x 14", acrylics on a museum quality panel, a memorial painting of our buns.  In process photos here  and  inquiries may come to me . It was a sad day when we discovered Clover had crossed the bridge while we were sleeping Monday night. She was such a sweetheart, gracing us with 6 years of kisses and great garden fertilizer.   I know she's joined Lily, who passed away last February, and is now doing binkies (hopping with wild abandon, a bunny's way of showing happiness) in the great garden in the sky. Both Clover and Lily were rescued bunnies - if you would like to help homeless rabbits, Great Lakes Rabbit Sanctuary is currently running a Facebook auction. You might even find something from me over there..... Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim

Peewee Herman (Good Morning Mr Breakfast)

"Peewee Herman (Good Morning, Mr Breakfast)," 8" x 8", acrylics on a museum quality panel, painting of a Herman Toys Peewee Herman action figure (it seems wrong to just call him a doll - Peewee is a man of action!). This painting can be yours for $399 - I'll ship on my dime.  In process photos here  and  inquiries may come to me . I feel a Peewee marathon coming over spring break. And more paintings of him, too.  Props to Facebook fan ST for titling this painting, also. Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim


"Jasmine," 8" x 10", acrylics on a museum quality panel, commissioned pet portrait starring a beautiful tuxedo sweetheart of a kitty, private collection (THANK YOU!).  In process photos here  and  inquiries may come to me . Jasmine is the perfect felline addition to my new obsession with black and white. Because, as regular readers of this blog know, black is not really black, and white is not truly white. Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim

Ken on a Stick

"Ken on a Stick," 6" x 8", acrylics on a museum quality panel, starring non-other than Malibu Ken, $329.  In process photos here  and  inquiries may come to me . I bought Ken - just his head, mind you - off ebay a couple months ago. Best dollar ever spent. You should have seen the rejoicing among the Barbies when just his head arrived up. I think there's a little bit of history here - maybe he was less than gentlemanly to them in the past.  Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim

Two Directions - You are Invited!

For those of you who are local, please come enjoy an evening of art with myself and Laura Locke at Gallery 194 in Lapeer, Michigan, Friday, March 28th, 6-8pm. I'm delivering a host of new paintings, including dolls, along with the new Black and White pieces. Laura's figural work is simply stunning and must be seen in person to fully appreciate. We are both very excited to share the art with friends and family. Thanks for following along and supporting my art, Kim

Bubba O'Malley, a Little Bit of Irish

"Bubba O'Malley," 8" x 10", acrylics on a museum quality panel, a larger than life portrait of a bunny with a larger than life personality, $469. Bubba (his real name is Flopsy) was a 2014 Valentine's day finalist .  In process photos here  and  inquiries may come to me . Today's painting HAD to have some green. And just a touch of spring. Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim


"Hooligans," 18" x 24" x 1", acrylics on a museum quality cradeled panel, the newest installation in my studies of light and dark, $1500. This one is impossible for me to photograph properly - I'll have to hire a professional. But trust me, they are spectacular!  In process photos here  and  inquiries may come to me . I met these three youngsters on a green drizzley day several springs back. I'm hoping to return to their farm this spring with camera again in tow. There's nothing like a herd of Gypsy Vanners set against fresh green. Unless, of course, you place them in a dark alley and dial up the color. Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim

Luna IV

"Luna IV," 9" x 12", acrylics on a museum quality panel, another painting of my favorite paint horse, part of my ongoing study of black and white, $549. In process photos here . Inquiries may come to me . SOLD. Thanks for sending in pics of black and white muses . It's so much fun to see the faces and start to plan new paintings.  I deliver new work for my show with Laura Locke next week. These black and white pieces will be there, along with some dolls and animal portraits. Once the opening date is confirmed, I'll share that with you. I'm going to start another one this afternoon. This is what a looming deadline and heaps of inspiration do - I can't leave the easel!! Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim

Ice III - done - and a Casting Call

ABOVE, detail of "Ice (Luna III)," BELOW, full version, 12" x 7-3/4", acrylics on a cradeled museum quality panel, the newest installation in The Luna Series, a study of black and white, $499. In process photos here . I don't think this painting is going to last long -  inquiries may come to me . I want to do a few more paintings of Luna, but am far from done with my exploration of black and white. Which means I am casting for additional black and white muses. The ideal muse will have interesting markings and texture along with an expressive face. Nominations may come to me via email  with the subject line "Black and White" - include 2-3 non-flash photos that you have taken where your black and white nominee makes up at least 1/3 of the photo.  PLEASE NOTE: Nominating individuals are under no obligation to purchase resulting artwork. By submitting photos, nominating individual is guaranteeing they are both the photog

Dance Dance Dance

"In the Wings," an 8"x10" portrait of The Princess from last year, acrylics on museum quality panel, $469. Inquiries may come to me . I'm leaving early today for a weekend dance competition with my daughter. She has her Dream Duffel packed and I have my Art Survival Kit.  I'll be watching for perfect moments like this (backstage at last Spring's recital) to turn into paint (and channel my inner Degas). In the meanwhile, I've created an album of my dance paintings - proceeds from reproductions, notecards and cell phone case sales go straight into The Princess's dance fund. And if you would like to talk about commissioning a portrait of your dancer, please, let me know . Thanks for following along with my artwork and supporting the arts, Kim

Ice (Luna III), In Process

IN PROCESS "Ice (Luna III)," 12" x 7-3/4", acrylics on a cradeled museum quality panel, the newest installation in The Luna Series, a study of black and white, $499. In process photos here  (and yes, I will adjust the highlights in his face and repaint the muzzle so that it's a proper size - but dont you just LOVE that blue shadow cast along the edge of his inner cheek? and it's SUCH a no-no, falling in the middle of the composition like that - but I love breaking the rules and making them work!).  Inquiries may come to me . Taking the study of light and dark to the opposite end of the spectrum today. Same model ( Luna I and Luna II ), new interpretation. Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim


"Miles," 18" x 24", acrylics on a cradeled museum quality panel, commissioned portrait of a wonderful Boxer, in process photos here . And of course I can paint your dog - shoot me an email ! I've been working on Miles' portrait since Monday, just in case you thought I whipped him together this afternoon. There will be tears when he ships home. Miles is quite the character! Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim

Hello There (Luna II)

"Hello There (Luna II)," 10" square", acrylics on museum quality panel, a study of light starring a stunning paint horse, in process photos here . Again, thanx to  Maggie Weakley (friend and fellow artist) for sharing Luna. $539, inquiries may come to me . Last year I told another artist that my favorite color was neutral. I was FINALLY appreciating and valuing desaturated pigments. It was an out of body experience, saying those words out loud. The addition of black paint to my palette seems to be be a solid step in that direction. What a host of gorgeous dull (not to be confused with non-exciting) neutrals I can create with it. Along with some saturated and very intense darks. The Luna Series will be continued, but first I need to take care of a couple other paintings - including Miles, a lifesized boxer portrait. Thanks for following along, Kim

March Desktop Calendar

Oh boy, did I ever mess up!! It's three days into March and no desktop calendar. You guys really let me know it, too!! I'm feeling rather sheepish.... (couldn't resist!) To implement this month's desktop calendar, download the file  directly from my website . I've set up a couple different ways to do this, either via the photo album or a direct link. I am by no means an expert on the variety of operating systems, so I highly recommend that if you don't know how to change your desktop wallpaper, don't email me for advice. Instead consult your computer's help files - they will be more concise, more knowledgeable and more responsive than I could ever hope to be.  I've sized this to fit a standard screen height of 768 - I realize there are lots of variables that could impact how the file displays on your screen. Let me know if, once you get the file installed, there are display quality issues (keep in mind, too, that