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Showing posts from January, 2014

A Good Day's Work

A view of Elizabeth's studio , where we spent the afternoon co-creating. The rooster is hers, a 30" square panel in process, and my doll painting "Lily" is 8" x 10", named for Lily Allen , who we sang along to (which was highly entertaining given my laryngitis). Good times in the south. Rain and cooler-than-usual-temps did not dampen our spirits. In addition to painting, we visited a ginormous art supply store, enjoyed afternoon lattes, and cooked a killer meal for her family. Now we are setting up to journal together. Tomorrow my workshop starts. Let's hope I have a voice. Otherwise, we'll be whispering. Thanks for following along with my artwork,  Kim 

Besties, In Process

IN PROCESS: "Besties," 18" x 24", acrylics on museum quality cradeled panel (with image wrapped around the sides), commissioned portrait depicting a black labe and her new best friend, a chocolate lab pup. In process photos are here .  So despite the best intentions, this piece will not get finished until after I return from my Florida workshop next week. But that's ok - it'll allow me to linger over these two. They deserve some good lingering, I know. Thanks for following along with my artwork,  Kim 

February Desktop Calendar

Here's a warm pile of puppies to help you through the frigid hug that Mother Nature's blessing us with these days. To implement this month's desktop calendar, download the file  directly from my website . I've set up a couple different ways to do this, either via the photo album or a direct link. I am by no means an expert on the variety of operating systems, so I highly recommend that if you don't know how to change your desktop wallpaper, don't email me for advice. Instead consult your computer's help files - they will be more concise, more knowledgeable and more responsive than I could ever hope to be.  I've sized this to fit a standard screen height of 768 - I realize there are lots of variables that could impact how the file displays on your screen. Let me know if, once you get the file installed, there are display quality issues (keep in mind, too, that options such as "stretching to fit," "tiling&

Waving Hello, Tigerhugs

"Waving Hello (Tigerhugs)," 10" square, acrylics on museum quality panel, depicting The Man Child's best buddy from when he was more a child and less a man. In process photos are here , and if you love the end result, he needs a home - Tigerhugs is only $539 to the first one asking nicely. You can ask nicely via email to moi. This little guy was The Man Child's first best friend. When I found him tucked into a corner of the boys' room last week, it made me pine for our bedtime routine. We would snuggle under the eaves of their room, a sleepy boy tucked under each arm, and tackle a stack of books they both had memorized. I would snuggle with them, and they in turn had their own special snugglers (I'll have to find The Caped Crusader's little puppy.....). Tonite I'll be reading Sleeping Beauty and Jamberry before my own bedtime. Thanks for following along with my artwork,  Kim (who got the replacement 18"x24&

Sunshine and Painting

Photo courtesy of one of my Louisiana Art and Artists Guild workshop students from April 2013 - I'm kicking myself hard for not tagging this photo with your name - whoever you are, I am blowing you kisses - thank you!! With a local weather forecast of negative double digits, significantly more snow accumulation, and our school district already warning of possible closures, you can bet I'm excited to be heading south next week. Friday and Saturday I'll be teaching at The Craft Shack near Orlando Florida . I've condensed my 4 day workshop into a whirlwind 2 day extravaganza. We are focusing on color and brushwork, a combination that will leave students with a whole new bag of tricks when they return to their own studios. That is, if they don't collapse of exhaustion first. Because I am a slave driver in the classroom. There were two escapees, err cancellations, yesterday - so grab a seat while you can and leave that winte


FROM LEFT:  "Truffles I" "II" and "III", each 4" square, acrylics on museum quality panel, currently being sold at auction . Proceeds to benefit my animal shelter, the Oakland Pet Adoption Center . These are the best sort of truffles - ones you can never have too many of! Wouldn't they make a great Valentine's gift for someone special? Bid via Facebook by commenting on the paintings' photo . Bids accepted until 9pm EST Sunday, January 26th. All monies raised exceeding $60/painting will be donated to my local animal shelter. (And I know I was supposed to start that big painting today - but the panel I had overnighted arrived damaged, so it looks like Friday is when I'll get to start.) Thanks for helping homeless animals AND sharing my love of chocolate! Kim

Wonder Woman

"Wonder Woman," 5" x 7", still life painting depicting the original superwoman, painted from a vintage Barbie-style doll, acrylics on museum quality panel, $289. In process photos are on the studio's Facebook page  and inquiries may come to me . Busy busy day, but it wound up perfectly with a couple quiet hours in the studio. Tomorrow I'm starting a BIG commissioned double dog portrait, for those dog portrait fans who have been patiently waiting for the dolls to go away. The dolls will be set aside for a little bit...... Which reminds me - I have some ebay items to check in on. Miscellaneous doll heads. Don't you go bidding against me now!! Thanks for following along! Kim

Mr. Snuggles, In Process

IN PROCESS "Mr. Snuggles," 8" x 10", still life painting depicting a teddy bear, acrylics on museum quality panel, $469. In process photos are on the studio's Facebook page  and inquiries may come to me . This guy was hanging out in the Salvation Army stuffed animal bin. He looked like he had planty of love left to spare, so I brough him home. His name was inked on that snazzy red ribbon tie. I'll finish him up later tonite. Right now I'm immersed in a chemistry study session, then have one final dance carpool, and a late dinner with the kids. I'll share photos to Facebook as he progresses. Thanks for following along! Kim

Baby Doll

"Baby Doll," 6" x 8", still life painting depicting a vintage baby doll, acrylics on museum quality panel, $329. In process photos are here and inquiries may come to me . I've been fretting the last 18 months about my obsession with dolls and finally realized that I don't have to justify anything. I need to just paint them - embrace my compulsion and indulge that creative urge. It's ok to create and not fully understand your attraction to the subject. Just wallow in whatever it is you love. And have fun with the process. You have my permission. And if I figure things out along the way, I'll share them with you! Meanwhile, the doll paintings will be exhibited as a collection later this winter.  Happy weekend, Kim

Field Trip!

IN PROCESS: "Victoria and Camille," 11" x 14", still life painting depicting two generations of dolls (a Corolle vanilla scented baby belonging to my daughter and my childhood Madame Alexander doll), acrylics on museum quality panel, $599. Lots of in process photos are here and inquiries may come to me . Collage artist Laura Locke invited me to co-create in her gorgeous studio . (Thank you, Laura - this is me, waving furiously!) While she worked on a large scale mixed media fabric piece of her two daughters , I spent an hour playing with my dolls. I kept moving them aound, repositioning their bodies, trying different chairs/heights/surfaces, until I was happy with the setup.  Then I walked past from a different angle across the studio and changed my mind entirely! Typical, right? While I set to work painting, Laura started a new piece and shared some of her treasured ephemera: photographs, magazines, love letters, correspo

Lexi, Finished

"Lexi," 9" x 12", commissioned portrait of a Doberman, acrylics on museum quality panel, private collection. Inquiries may come to me, though, as I can work this sort of magic with YOUR dog. Lexi has hiked many a trail in Big Sur and played in the Pacific waves, and despite recently losing a leg to cancer, she embraces life and the outdoors with the same energy and delight. It was important to include that in her portrait, along with a hint of Mother Nature. I'm waiting on pins and needles to see if Lexi's Mom approves of this one. I don't want to curse myself, but I think it might be one of my best portraits to date. None of that matters, though, if Lexi's family doesn't agree. Off to my presentation this evening at the Romeo Guild of Art - I'll be talking about using social media as a marketing tool. And tomorrow I have something extra special planned - I can't wait! Thanks for following alo

Busy Bee

A journal page created this weekend while escorting The Princess to a dance convention and competition. Water soluble pencil, watercolors, and gel pen. My inbox is overflowing with notes - apparently my last blog post resonated with many of you. Thanks for the notes of encouragement and commisseration. We are all in this journey together, that's for sure. While I had a busy schedule this weekend, my art supplies or iPad were always at hand . I was able to journal in the dressing room and did some digital painting in the classrooms. And I took pictures, shot video, and filled my visual memory up with ideas for new works.  Oh yeah, and had quality time with my daughter, who makes me so proud I could just burst. Thanks for following along with my artwork! Kim

I am SO a Daily Painter

My day starts off fabulously – after the kids' being on vacation and enjoying 6 snow days, their buses show up moderately on time and they are off to school! After 3 weeks of entertaining, I had an ambitious to-do list that included phone calls, connecting with clients, preparing for lectures and a new workshop, and mapping out several non-painting related design projects. I brewed a strong cup of tea and got to work. And somehow the hours slipped away – it seemed like in minutes kids were back home, there were carpools to run, dinner to cook, laundry to do – and the brushes never got touched. In the past I would have beat myself up over this and scrambled to do at least a small painting while the kids tackled homework. But tonite I took a deep breath and asked how I could help them. I worked with The Princess for a little on a project, reviewed some paperwork with The Man Child, and packed lunches alongside The Caped Crusader. And didn't rush into the

Barbie - Needs a Name, please!

"Untitled," 6" x 8", my most recent Barbie portrait, done in acrylics on a museum quality panel, available to the first collector asking nicely, $329 including s&h inside the US. Inquiries may come to me . And in process images  are here. Tomorrow will be consecutive Snow Day #5. If I include all of Christmas break and the snow day that kicked said break off, tomorrow will be day 20. With. My. Kids. Home. Not that I'm counting.  There is no end in sight - the roads are ridiculously icy and snow covered, high winds are creating absurd sub-zero temperatures, and the dog won't even go out to pee without a food item (preferably warmed, although I doubt it is so when he finds it) thrown into the drifting snow. If I were Barbie, I'd be sailing through these days with sublime makeup, perfect hair and matching shoes. Our reality is very different. For instance, I celebrated showering today. Just a peek into the glamorous

Clinker's Story

"Clinker," 9" x 12", portrait of a rescued and wonderfully sweet bunny, done in acrylics on a museum quality panel, available to the first collector asking nicely, $540 including s&h inside the US. Inquiries may come to me . And in process images of Clinker's portrait are here . SOLD (thank you!) Baby Clinker was found with her sister and an older male rabbit in my friend's woodpile. Clinker was healthy, but little Stormy was riddled with bot larva and the adult rabbit had a BB in his jaw, making it impossible for him to eat. They now have quite the extended family and a happy home to enjoy. In honor of their happily-ever-after, I will donate $100 from the sale of Clinker's portrait to the Great Lakes Rabbit Sanctuary - a Michigan rescue group that does fabulous things for bunnies in need. Thanks for following along with my artwork! Kim

Disheveled, A New Barbie Painting

"Disheveled," 10" x 12", portrait of a ratty haired Barbie, done in acrylics on a museum quality panel, available to the first collector asking nicely, $600 including s&h inside the US. Inquiries may come to me . SOLD (thank you) In process images of Barbie's newest painting are shared here, including a photo of my non-conventional setup. I'm relatively new to still life work, and trying to get creative in how I stage and light the dolls. It's more challenging than you realize - having an interesting play of light and shadow on the object I'm painting while also maintaining even light on my easel and palette, all within the confines of a 10'x12' room. I'm game for tips - all you still life experts, please speak up!! Thanks for following along with my artwork! Kim

January Desktop Calendar (sorry, I forgot to share this earlier!)

Thank you SO MUCH for another spectacular year of sharing and painting - I am grateful for your time in following along and commenting/interacting with me and my paintings. I wish each of you a New Year filled with hope. Hope that whatever your deepest heart's desire is, you are able to reach out and hold it for at least a moment. I believe in you - I know you can make it happen! To implement this month's desktop calendar, download the file  directly from my website . I've set up a couple different ways to do this, either via the photo album or a direct link. I am by no means an expert on the variety of operating systems, so I highly recommend that if you don't know how to change your desktop wallpaper, don't email me for advice. Instead consult your computer's help files - they will be more concise, more knowledgeable and more responsive than I could ever hope to be.  I've sized this to fit a standard screen hei

Forty Five Lives

"Forty Five Lives," 9" x 12", portrait of five black kitties, done in acrylics on museum quality panel, available to the first collector asking nicely, $540 including s&h inside the US. Inquiries may come to me . When I saw the inspiration photo for this painting on Bernie Kazmarski's blog in early December, I couldn't resist asking if she'd let me paint it. Even though she is a artist herself and probably wanting to paint it herself. So I held my breath and crossed my fingers and toes and hoped hoped hoped she would just say yes. Which she did, and it was so fast that I hadn't even yet turned blue. I am so grateful to her for sharing the photo - and looking forward to seeing her interpretation as well! Thanks for following along with my artwork! Kim