Today’s dog started out as a portrait, but then I got carried away with color and feathering, didn’t pay enough attention to proportion, and ended up with a squatter and orange-er version of the dog. Doesn’t matter, for I’ll try my hand at her another time, and this painting has merit of it’s own. Here she is, an orange and white Brittany, tucked into a 4x5 canvasboard, but still busy scenting the air. All inquiries to . This is my last dog-a-day for 2006 – number 51. Thank you for coming along these last few months – I’ve had a blast, and find myself growing as an artist with each painting. I am eager to continue this project through all of 2007. Let’s see what the new year drags in…… ! Thanks, again, for looking. And for sharing these paintings with friends and family. Wishing you a happy and safe New Year celebration, Kim Kimberly Kelly Santini distinctive pet portraits & 4-legged paintings http: