FROM TOP: "Looking Back (Palomino)" and "Palomino Profile," both 4" x 5", acrylic palomino equine paintings in acrylic on canvasboard, $114 each. Because these pieces look exquisite together and I would love to see them stay that way, I'll bundle the purchase of both into $215. Inquiries to . BOTH SOLD. I am thrilled with these paintings, as they summarize, even in their petite and intimate sizes, all that I've learned this last year. EDGES: See how there are soft and hard edges? I've learned that even though my photo references contain all hard edges (well, ideally they do!), that I can manipulate the crispness of an edge to produce a variety of form and shape, and build a sense of depth inside the picture plane. VALUE: Because I often work from photos, it's been a challenge for me to separate the sharp contrast of a photo reference from the reality of how my eye would see the horse. In reality the stronge