"Smitty's Ball," from the "Play Ball" series, 6" x 8", acrylic on museum quality panel, portrait of a Jack Russel terrier with his favorite toy, $329. Inquiries may come to me. SOLD. In process pics of Smitty are on Facebook , and prints of this gem will be available for the next week (through Friday, July 5th, 2013). I'm also still accepting photos for more dogs and balls - submit your pics to me via email . By submitting photos, you are ascertaining that you are the photographer and have the right to grant me permission to create derivative paintings from said photos. Thanks so much! These "Play Ball" paintings are simply fabulous - look at all the inspiration YOU have shared!! Thanks for supporting my artwork! Enjoy your weekend, Kim ksantini@turtledovedesigns.com Play Ball Prints Available Click on the image below for ordering details, including