"Snow Bunny (Laika)," 8" square, acrylic on panel, commissioned pet portrait of a rescued mixed breed (Husky-retriever mix?), private collection (THANK YOU!). Inquiries (including booking your own pet portrait, from miniature size [4" x 4"] to larger than life) may always come to me . Laika joined her family after they lost another dear rescue, Hachi (who I've also painted - you can see his portrait here ). Laika was discovered at a rescue event, and her peeps fell head over heels in love with her sweet nature and gloriously soft fur. Looking to add another member to your family? Check with your local shelter to learn more about adoption events in your area. There's so many wonderful companion animals looking for new homes - and it could be yours!! Thanks, as always, for looking at - and sharing - my artwork and musings with your friends and family. Kim ksantini@turtledovedesigns.com www.paintingadogaday.com FACEBOOK: Kimberly Kelly Santini TWITTE