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March 2024 Classroom Calendar


The Magic Space is my membership program, an online classroom where students get a front row seat to what's playing out in the studio, guidance on my various techniques and instruction on how they, too, can weave their artwork with processes, symbols and subject matter uniquely their own. Started in 2017, it began as a way for me to deliver deeper insight and valuable content to artists wishing to understand how I approach making my own art. It also enabled me to form a closer relationship with students and provide an entirely different level of support than what a typical in person workshop might provide. Over the years Magic Space participants have unearthed their own stylistic tendencies and learned how to speak about the what and why behind their art, and deep friendships have formed.

All classroom content is delivered digitally, with three live events each month (check out the free sample lessons I've got on my YouTube channel). Additionally students have access to a private facebook group for further community building, image sharing and conversation. Longer term students have taken the liberty to form their own accountability and co-creating groups, too, further personalizing the experience.

Instruction happens via example coupled with reflection and challenges. Students complete work on their own time and at their own pace. Both 90 minute sessions are streamable after airing live via zoom. Those seeking additional support and growth may schedule one on one mentoring after being enrolled for a month. Content is accessible for 60 days past publication and available for the duration of one's enrollment. Students drop in and get started at their convenience; each new month brings fresh material and learning opportunities that build upon prior experiences.

Ideal students are curious about where their creative voice will take them, looking for ways to level up and improve imagery and messaging, and willing to take risks with processes and artwork. Notice this has nothing to do with grasp of technique or career level - I teach creative thinking and questioning alongside demonstrating my processes. I much prefer teaching how to unearth significant ideas, them frame and explore them, thusly enabling students to find their own stylistic tendencies and ultimately paint like themselves. 

Enrollment can happen on a month to month basis or one can sign up for a year. Students can cancel their membership at any time. And -  this is your last chance to do so for a mere $25/month - tuition will be going up in April (enrolled students will be grandfathered in at their current rates).

I would love to welcome you - further information is in The Magic Space, or let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you so much for your interest in painting with me,
All my best, warmly, Kim


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