Swallowtail view her on my website Swallowtail, original acrylic on flat panel, 16”x20”, $850 plus s&h. I welcome your questions (yes, I offer payment plans - details below). Just reach out . Swallowtail is part of a recent experiment where I start out with a random and chaotic drawing that then is gently teased into a recognizable shape. I discovered this process while playing one morning with one of my favorite new drawing tools . Play is such an important part of my art practice. My most successful paintings are rooted in some aspect of play - play is where the best ideas show up, unexpectedly, enthusiastically. Then I get to work figuring out what the play based approach provides and how to leverage that. I play in my journals and sketchbooks, but also as part of my daily warmups and even inside paintings already on my easel. I think play should be a legit piece of every single day, no matter one’s age. You can zoom in to Swallowtail over on my website ...