Today’s painting is of a dalmation. While one might think that a dalmation was black and white, it’s really not that simple. Their pink skin shines through their white fur, shadows dance between violet and ultramarine, and their spots are an inky blue with shimmering lighter rings – they are always so much fun to paint.
So here you go – “Dalmation Study,” 6” square, at $60. Inquiries can come to me, ksantini@turtledovedesigns.com .
So here you go – “Dalmation Study,” 6” square, at $60. Inquiries can come to me, ksantini@turtledovedesigns.com .
Thanks, as always, for looking.
And for taking the time to share these paintings with your family and friends.
Thanks, as always, for looking.
And for taking the time to share these paintings with your family and friends.
AND for your patience last week as we sorted out the bug in blogspot that was preventing me from posting images!! Everything has been updated now!!
Stay warm!
Kimberly Kelly Santini
distinctive pet portraits
& 4-legged paintings
come. sit. stay.
enjoy the art.
Founding member of the Canine Art Guild
the gateway to canine art on the web
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