"Yoshi," a painted sketch, roughly 4" x 5" on a 9" x 12" sheet of bristol board, done in acrylics, blood, sweat and tears. This piece is in a private collection - thank you very much!
Fabulous date last nite with My Better Half and the Amazing Amanda Palmer. And tonite we have another date, this time with the Lake Orion High School Drumline Parent Corps (in other words, the parent volunteers).
Tomorrow I'm filming an interview at a local cable channel and delivering a couple paintings for an in-home audition before leading my wonderful group of grownUP Journallers in our last gathering of the year.
Wild and crazy stuff happening around these parts!!
Kim, who is nearly finished with the book Gone Girl and isn't quite sure how to follow it up
The cover of "A Dog Named Blue," now available from Blurb publishers. When I first painted Amelia I never imagined that she would be re-christened "Blue" and inspire a book. In her defense, Amelia had a number of other partners in crime - animals who's portraits seemed to fall into a specific color category and prompt color-centric names. In typical ADD fashion, my brain started spinning 100mph. What if I turned those muses' paintings into a picture book for animal loving kids? I shared my idea with three friends in the industry, and they eagerly offered their expertise. I am truly indebted to them. Illustrator and author Matt Faulkner and children's book author and literacy expert Kristen Remenar edited an early version of the draft. They suggested key plot/conceptual changes that made it oodles better. Designer Elizabeth St. Hilaire Nelson worked her magic, pairing the images with perfectly color...
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