IN PROCESS: "Lewis," 18 x 24", acrylics on museum quality cradeled panel, depicting a very beloved Golden Retriever. This commissioned portrait will be headed to it's new home very soon - but first, I have to finish it!
In process pics of Lewis are here.
If you want to talk about commissioning something extra special and extra large (Lewis is larger than life) - email me. Let's talk.
I'm not very patient, and it's been since the New Year that I have been waiting for this panel to be delivered. Within minutes of cracking the box open, I had the panel on the easel and was slinging paint.
I have plans to go out tonite (gasp!!), so I'm going to clean my brushes and pick up tomorrow.
Stay tuned,
Kim, who's looking forward to wild shenanigans like only a herd of moms can whip up
Lovely work!