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RECYCLED ART Pink Barbie Foxes


A selection of mixed media drawings ranging in size from 5x7 to 8-1/2x9, all on recycled paper. Priced by size ($85+). Questions can always come to me.
It seems as though Barbiemania has taken over the world. While I have not yet seen the movie (we took in Oppenheimer first and didn't have the stamina to do both this weekend), my kids all did and are strongly encouraging me to go.

Little known fact - i don't often go to the movies, nor do I watch much TV. I prefer books and the noise inside my own head, lol.

So anyway, I thought it would be fun to indulge even more so in pink for a bit. And given I'm preparing a new fox-centric solo show this fall, I decided that the next batch of warmup drawings would be Barbie pink foxes.

These are done on things pulled from my paper recycling bin - a kraft paper colored card envelope (lower left) with a Tomie dePaula stamp (love him!), the inside of security envelopes, and a surface collaged from a notebook page to-do list.

You can see these foxes in greater detail here, along with my other recycled art pieces. These are darling slipped into a standard frame (just put a sheet of colored paper behind them to accent the irregular edges) and add an immediate fun energy to your space. Hang a collection of these together for a contemporary feel or add a little one to a gallery wall for a touch of delight. I can also see them looking fantastically chic in a floater frame of just glass.....

The recycled art pieces are a fantastic affordable way to bring original art into your home.

Thanks so much for your interest in my artwork,
All my best, warmly, Kim


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