"Black Lab Study (Jackpot)," 6" x 8", Paws With a Cause service dog painting in acrylic on canvasboard, depicting a black labrador retriever, $199 to the first buyer. 20% from the purchase of this painting will be donated to Paws With a Cause (http://www.pawswithacause.org/). Inquiries to ksantini@turtledovedesigns.com .
I have painted Jackpot before - his initial painting is featured on notecards (http://www.turtledovedesigns.com/pet_portrait_notecards.html). At the time I did the first painting, I flagged one of his reference photos to paint at a later date. As you can see, he was - is - far too regal to pass up.
I love painting dark animals because of the way the light plays off their fur. Earlier this week you saw a black/dark gray long haired cat where the light picked out orange and lavendar highlights in the fringes of her body. In Jackpot's instance, the light literally carved his skull out from underneath his skin, bleaching the fur to a pale blue. It was an interesting drawing challenge as well, getting the angle and value ranges correct.
And of course I had to set him against a blue sky, one that matches the blue in the vests that PAWS service dogs wear (well, this blue is a lighter shade of the same color).
Thanks, as always, for looking at these paintings. Of course you may forward them and share with your friends and family.
Back to finishing the remaining Peanut pieces from yesterday!
Kimberly Kelly Santini
distinctive pet portraits
& 4-legged paintings
come. sit. stay.
enjoy the art.
Founding member of the Canine Art Guild
the gateway to canine art on the web
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