Work in process, 10" x 12", depicting a Gypsy Vanner mare, acrylic on archival artists' panel. Inquiries to ksantini@turtledovedesigns.com .
In the version I posted earlier this week, I had beautiful color happening amidst drawing errors. Correcting these were complicated by porr photo references and my lack of intimate equine anatomical knowledge. I allowed the piece to simmer until today, when I felt a little bit of confidance going back into it. Nevertheless, I still ended up painting the whole thing out and starting over.
In order to finish the painting true to my vision, it was easiest to start over. Which is exactly what I did (that doesn't mean the "painting out" bit was painless, though. Or that the second time around wasn't also challenging.).
She's not finished yet, but more solidly on the road to being done. There is a sense of mass, movement, and light which personifies the ideas I wanted this painting to express. Another day and she should be done. Then I'll have to come up with a title.
Meanwhile I have been inundated with positive responses to the Painting a Dog a Day - the First Year book. Thank you so much for letting me know your copies have arrived and how much you are enjoying them. Your reactions make the work worthwhile. I plan to respond personally to each of your notes in the coming days.
In answer to your most commonly asked question: there will be at least two additional Painting a Dog a Day volumes - one for 2008, and another for 2009. I have already started working on book #2, and should have it released earlier in the fall next year (sooner than Thanksgiving, at least!)
If you are interested in a copy of Painting a Dog a Day - the First Year, please let me know - ksantini@turtledovedesigns.com . (Do I sound like a broken record yet?). I'm having a book signing party at Margot's Gallery in Oxford Michigan this coming Sunday (the 7th) from noon until 4pm - call 248-628-5398 for directions.
Thank you to everyone else for following along and providing incentive and motivation to keep me painting.
Take care and I'll see you tomorrow,
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