Untitled work in process ("Fading Light"?), depicting a Gypsy Vanner mare, acrylic on archival artists' panel, 10" x 12". Inquiries to ksantini@turtledovedesigns.com .
The year is winding down, and that means I have several juried competition deadlines sneaking up. I've had this same mare on my studio wall for several years now - a huge stretched canvas that is at least 40" high - a canvas that I didn't take much further than an initial block in. I've loved the backlighting that tickles her fetlocks, and thought I'd give it a try on a smaller scale, conquer the fear of messing up, and see if I can't get a solid little painting for one of the exhibitions in my radar.
I started with toning the panel a pepto bismol pink - it's easier (and way more fun) to paint on a colored ground than a white one. I then began massing in the areas of light and dark. I'll continue to refine the shapes and get her drawn in properly as I lay additional colors down. In these earlier stages I'm not so worried about the edges or anatomy, but more so in balancing the values and creating a dynamic composition. Some people I know would call this stage "the uglies" - but trust me, she'll pull out of them! Just wait and see.
It was a busy weekend around these parts, readying the Painting a Dog a Day - the First Year books to ship out today. But ready them we did, and they have officially been mailed. Everything went out via US Priority Mail today, and with the exception of the international orders, all should be in new homes by Wednesday or Thursday.
I have a book signing at Margot's Gallery on Sunday (in Oxford, Michigan - call for directions - 248-628-5398), and will continue filling orders next week. Softcovers are $39.95, hardbound copies are $54.95. Shipping and handling is now $9.99 (the books, when sealed in padded envelopes, do not fit inside the flat rate priority pouches - guess I should have checked that out first, huh?). Please send your orders to ksantini@turtledovedesigns.com - we are running out of time to get these into your hands by the holiday.
Thanks, as always for looking at and sharing my paintings with your friends and family.
I'll see you tomorrow, Kim
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