"Little Daisy," 4" x 8", commissioned puppy portrait in acrylic on canvasboard (thank you!). Inquiries may always come to me.
Daisy is part of a group of holiday gifts I'm creating for a client. It's a great time, working each one up (I've done 4 so far), studying them collectively, and then trying to imagine them going to separate homes. There is the promise of thrilling times ahead, that's for certain!
Speaking of which.... I'm excited to be participating in an exciting event that starts tomorrow. 140 Hours, the brainchild of New York gallery owner Gary Brant, is the first fine art auction to be conducted via social media. He has collected an inspiring and diverse group of artists (I feel lucky to be included!) and you can browse through the artwork and read more about the artists and the event itself on the site (here's a direct link to my piece).
To bid on the artwork, register with the 140 Hours site, then use your twitter account(super easy to get if you don't already have one) to place your bid via a direct message to @140hours (this way your bid information is confidential between you and the auctioneer).
As is the case with auctions, there is the possibility of getting a good deal on something completely original. I encourage you to check it out - you never know what you'll fall in love with.......
The auction starts tomorrow and runs through Nov 11th, 8pm EST.
Thanks, as always, for looking at - and sharing - my artwork with your friends and family.
PS Want a great gift this holiday season? Then order either one of the Painting a Dog a Day books - they are gorgeous summaries of the Dog a Day paintings. Painting a Dog a Day - the First Year covers 2006-2007, and That's 14 in Dog Years covers 2008. Information on how to order each book is on the Painting a Dog a Day blog and thestudio website.
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