FROM TOP: "Green Rosie" and "Violet Rosie," both 4" x 5", yellow lab portraits in acrylic on canvasboard, each $189. Inquiries may always come to me.
"Green Rosie (Top)" sold.
Rosie is one of the dearest girls ever, facing the battle of her life. She was recently diagnosed with Evan's Syndrome, an autoimmune disorder where her body essentially attacks itself. During the last week Rosie has responded well to natural treatments, but she still has a tough time ahead. And of course, it will be a time when those who know and love her will rally around, doing their best to provide a quality of life while also hoping for a remission.
Not much is known or understood about Evan's Syndrome, a disease that attacks humans as well as dogs. Which made it seem even more important that I do something.
Proceeds from the sale of both Rosie's paintings will be donated to Meisha's Hope Fund, part of the Morris Animal Foundation Family. The MAFF funds humane animal health studies at institutions worldwide, and the Meisha's Hope Fund is an accountset up specifically to fund canine health studies of autoimmune/immune mediated hemolytic anemia, like Evan's Syndrome (yes, it sounds like Greek to me too).
So many times you hear that it's not the obstacles but how you react to them that form your character. I would love for people to say that I was always moving forward. And from what I hear, I imagine many of the Dog a Day readers can say the same.
Thanks, as always, for looking at - and sharing - my artwork with your friends and family.
PS Want a great gift this holiday season? Then order either one of the Painting a Dog a Day books - they are gorgeous summaries of the Dog a Day paintings. Painting a Dog a Day - the First Year covers 2006-2007, and That's 14 in Dog Years covers 2008. Information on how to order each book is on the Painting a Dog a Day blog and thestudio website.
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